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Stack layout experimentation with form objects


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Stack layout experimentation with form objects inpired by UIStackView


In form editor

Create a rectangle or maybe a groupbox for the stack background , then group it with some form objects.

Rectangle must be under other objects so first in group

In code

Init the stack and keep it somewhere (Form, class instance in Form, …)"Rectangle"; "Button"; "Input"; "Text"; "Button2")

The first element must be the rectangle

then in On Load and On Resize call perform to move objects according to wanted options

	Form.stack.perform(New object("spacing"; 20; "axis"; "vertical")) // could be horizontal

Form macros

to help there is some macros

stack: create

select some elements then launch the macro, it will create for you the group and the transparent background rectangle


stack: align vertically & horizontally

you could in form macro menu apply horizontal or vertical stack alignment to the selected group


stack: set spacing

Before applying alignment you could register the spacing.

this will register custom json key in Form in first element of group, the rectangle

stack: generate new code

It generate the code to init a cs.Stack with all selected group children elements and the perform with registered parameters.


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