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Send message to Discord using 4D


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Send messages to discord using 4D.

Here is an example of what you can achieve.



First create a web hook client


Then send a message using the hook.

  // send a simple message
$result:=$hook.send("Welcome To The Twilight Zone")

If you want more fancy stuff use an embed message.

.setTitle("Some title")\
.setAuthor(New object("name";"Some name";"icon_url";$imageUrl;"url";""))\
.setDescription("Some description here")\
.addFields(New collection(\
New object("name";"Regular field title";"value";"Some value here");\
New object("name";"📦";"value";"📩");\
New object("name";"Inline field title";"value";"Some value here";"inline";True);\
New object("name";"Inline field title";"value";"Some value here";"inline";True)\
.addField(New object("name";"Inline field title";"value";"Some value here";"inline";True))\
.setFooter(New object("text";"Some footer text here";"url";""))


TIPS: You don’t need to include all the elements showcased above. If you want a simpler embed, just leave some out.
